Monday, June 23, 2008

What's Next?!?

Oh man, check this bit of news out...
OK, those loyal followers know that our G4 tower bit the dust a while back. Well not our only other computer decided it wanted to take swimming lessons from Ghost and, well, yeah. Computers and water do not mix.
lost everything, no survivors. lost bike plans, drawings, web sites, addresses, e-mails, very important stuff to say the least.
I was able to pick up a used G4 powerbook (circa 2002) from craigslist here in Portland so it will have to do. At least it can get me onto the wireless network and able to update the blog page and get to e-mails. I was successfully able to get the hard drive out of the old tower and rig it to be a external drive so I was abble to get some of the information off it so looks like not all hope is lost. Just a very, very large setback.

We are still activly seeking investors for our little company. monitary donations and stock options to buy into the future of downhill racing are open to most of the public. for a minimum investment of $100 we can garantuee a ROI of at least 50% within 3 years and with a minimum investment of $2000 we can give you an ROI of a Katana frame within the next 6 months or a 50% cash return within 3 years. If interested, please contact us ASAP:

thanks to all of you who contunue to support our dream and vision.

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