Sunday, September 7, 2008

only a matter of time

Hey all, been a while. Working everything out here at Lunch Box Labs and getting ready to get the CNC machines rolling. The numbers are crunched and the computers are programed. We will have some actual images of the Wakazashi SS and the Katana here real soon. I know you all have been patient with us and it takes time to start a (re)evolution, especially one like what we are doing. Now I know there are other companies out there doing a floating shock and using fancy names and terms and some have huge marketing budgets and lots of hype, but they don't have what we have: love.
yeah, love of our sport and supporters. Over 20 years rolling duce-six and here it is time to show what racing is all about. Not just winning, not just the technology, not the hard work or the training. Not the preparation, tire pressure...
It is the trip to the venue, the stopping to fill the tank in some run down 3-leg dog town, it is the smell of the crisp air at 6AM on race day after a night of not sleeping. It is that first sip of bad coffee you paid too much for...
Racing is the experience, the bright green leaves in the summer, the smell of fresh dust or deep, dark soil, the "competition" you hang out with each weekend as you develop life-long friends. The warm beer and cold coffee, the faces in the truck stops and all night diners, the camp stove explosions and the can of beans you are left to clean up off your tailgate at 10 PM the night before your "perfect run."
Racing is all this and so much more.
This is the experience and joy One Ghost Industries is going to bring to you. It isn't about the bikes or the CNC this or high speed compression that. It is friendship, brother and sisterhood. Sharing scars, tattoos, beer and inner tubes. Meeting your "Johnny T" for the first time or finally beating him. Racing is life and many times we do get caught up in the techno babble of it all and we don't stop to look around the pits and take it all in. Sometimes you win, sometimes you loose, sometimes you flat, sometimes you get to stand on the box but you never, ever give up.
I have had that lesson handed to me too many times to count and this...One Ghost Industries.. is my way of teaching that lesson to all of you; Never give up, stop and listen, and most importantly....
"Flow like water, my friend."

1 comment:

Butch Greene said...

man. I hope you do well with this rig. I just want the bike to look as stylish as the jerseys.