Wednesday, April 1, 2009

One Ghost Industries aquired by Yeti Cycles in hostile takeover

March 31/2009 Two of Yeti Cycles Executives walked into the One Ghost Industries/Lunchbox Labs office in Portland Oregon at the same time as one walked into the Lunchbox Labs that OG owns in east Boulder, CO (operated by Moto G.P.) where they each proceeded to "aquire" every aspect of design, creation, and prototyping done by One Ghost Industries, LLC.
Yeti was also sighted leaving the scene holding one of the new Tanto hard tail frames and was quoted as saying "Bad Ass" or "baarrrreeee aarrsssee" or some other noise as it grabbed the new hard tail frame and stuck it between it's legs and pretended to ride it away.
The guys at OG are still in absolute AWE as they never thought theat a Yeti could actually RIDE a bike let alone felt threatened enough to come and take all of their bikes and ability to produce more.
In light of this whole situation, One Ghost Industries will be forced to pull the plug on Lunchbox Labs and on any possible production of their bikes. The guys are all taking this really hard and were quoted as saying "it'll be much harder to rebuild the company, especially without our keg-data aquizition equipment, our kegerator and tap, our wall mounted bottle opener/time clock, Ghost's dog bones..." as as GP and Tank chimed in here.."and OUR BIKES! Those hairy ba$%ARds took our bikes! We can't even ride to the pub now!"
All in all, the guys are looking up in the face of losing everything..
"Good news is we have proof that Yeti's are real and they DO like bikes so that's cool" Maybe I can sell the photo back to Yeti and make some money. After all, I could use a job now!"

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